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LCISD Library Mission Statement
The mission of Lamar Consolidated ISD Libraries is to create a physical and digital environment in which our students, staff, and community can strengthen their natural inquisitive nature, foster a love of reading, and serve as a collaborative resource for teachers and staff in developing and delivering powerful learning experiences across all curricular areas.
Student Checkout and Classes
Library classes are conducted for grades PreK-5.
Pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and first grade students are allowed to check out one book. First graders learn the responsibility of book check out and may check out 2 books in the Spring. Second graders are allowed to check out two books. Third through fifth graders are allowed to check out 3 books.
Library books are due in one week, though they are allowed to keeps books longer. If library books are late, students will need to return books before checking out again.
While there is no fine for overdue books, materials overdue by 30 days or more are assumed to be lost and a replacement fee will be assessed. If you feel our records are in error kindly email Mrs. Vasquez at
Lost or Damaged Books
If a book is lost or damaged beyond repair it must be paid for. The librarian will notify you if a Lost/Damaged fine has been placed onto your child's account. Payment should be in cash. Please send the payment to school or your child’s teacher in a sealed envelope marked Attention Library. Payment is refundable if a lost book is found and returned in good condition within 30 days. Book replacements are only purchased by the Librarian and are not accepted as payment as our books are specially made for the high usage volume.
Library Activities
The library sponsors two book fairs. One in the fall one in the spring. The proceeds from these fundraisers help to buy books, pay for special author visits or programs, or other library needs.
In addition, the library sponsors several voluntary reading promotion programs throughout the school year, such as Beanstack Challenges, the Bluebonnet Reading Program (3rd-5th) and the Texas 2x2 (K-2nd).
Library volunteers are an essential and valuable part of our library program. They help to run the circulation desk, label and shelve books, and allow the librarian to devote more time to teach children the valuable skills of enjoying literature and becoming information masters.
Please contact Mrs. Vasquez at, if you are interested in volunteering.

Jessica Vasquez, M. Ed.

Destiny Quest® is a student-friendly searching
interface that is designed for today's digital students.
The online earch interface is highly graphical.

My Capstone Library is your personal collection of award-winning
interactive books! Available in different subjects and formats,
interactive books use audio and animation to engage readers.

The Texas 2x2 Reading list is consists of 20
recommeneded books from children age 2 through
grade 2. The list is produce by the Children's Round
Table division of the Texas Library Assoction.